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Odor In The Home

The Nose Knows...

When preparing to sell their home people spend most of their time decluttering, making repairs, and sprucing up the yard. The focus is on how the house looks. Have they considered how it SMELLS??

Somewhere I read the Human nose can detect over a Trillion smells. Odors effect peoples moods and behaviors. From what I've read this is because the brain processes the scent and associates it with a past experience or something they have identified visually. For example, when I pull cookies or a cake out of the oven and the aroma hits me, there is no stopping my mouth from watering in anticipation of that first bite. The opposite is also true. The scent of a dirty litter box or week old garbage will put a scowl on my face and draw me away from the odor faster than you can imagine.

I realize I am probably stating the obvious, however not everyone pays attention to the odors around them. Our sense of smell becomes immune to the odors around us and in our home. This can have a very BIG IMPACT when you are trying to sell your house.

When preparing to sell your home take a moment to review the following items:

  • Is the litter box, fish tank, back yard, or bird cage clean? Do they smell like they need to be cleaned even if they are?
  • Does your home have an overbearing odor from cleaning supplies, paint, caulk, or any other things you have worked on recently?
  • Do your carpet, drapes, and linens have a musty odor or do they smell fresh and clean?
  • Ask a friend or your Realtor if the house smells good. It might take a fresh nose to find out what your home really smells like.

Suggestions on how to help with control or make the odor more appealing:

  • Check the garbage cans and take the trash out regularly. Don't always wait until the can is full, especially if it's in a small environment.  Anything dumped out of the fridge or a pet area needs to go out right away.
  • Keep pet environments as clean as possible. This includes dog beds, water, eating areas.
  • Shampoo carpets and rugs before putting the house up for sale.
  • Consider repainting the rooms and making repairs a week or more before an Open House.
  • Don't try to cover up odor. Figure out what smells and remove or fix it.
  • Consider a few plug in air fresheners, an automated sprayer or some plug in candles. You don't want to overpower your home with any odor- good or bad- you want to make your home inviting and be sure people feel welcome.
  • Remember what you think smells good may not smell good to all.  Keep it simple.

Should you run into problems or need fresh ideas please feel free to let me know. I'm always happy to help.