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Kitchen Shelves vs Cabinets

Open shelves in the kitchen seems to be all the rage these days. Almost every home makeover show has included open shelving into their kitchen concept. I agree shelves make it easier to reach for things when making dinner, give the kitchen a light airy look, aide in keeping down clutter, and look fabulous. Having said that, there are several things a person should consider before they ditch their cabinets for shelves.

Dust- Do you love to dust? Anything that is out in the open will acquire more dust than things that are enclosed. It’s a simple fact. With forced air heating & cooling systems, ceiling fans, kids and critters, there is a lot of dust, dirt and dander floating around. If all your dishes are exposed be prepared to wash the clean ones almost as often as you wash your dirty ones. This includes the dishes on the bottom of the stack. Dust will accumulate around the edges. Keep the dish soap handy.

Beauty- How do you feel about your guests seeing everything? When your dishes are one pattern or color and the quantity isn’t out of control, there is no doubt they will look beautiful on display. On the other hand, if you collect coffee cups, have too many place settings, or have a mix & match combination of dishware & glasses, your new shelves may look extremely cluttered and messy, giving you the opposite look you are going for.

Children - If you have young children, chances are you have countless sippy cups, cartoon figure dishes, and plastic wear that will withstand hitting the floor or being knocked over on the table. They do their job, but are they really something you want to display? Consider a few cabinets to hide the “must haves” that you don’t want everyone to see. If you don’t, chances are they will get on your nerves quickly.

Safety- If you have pets or little ones in the house and the lower portion of your cabinets are open, be prepared for accidents & stuff on the floor. I have a friend who lets her grandchild play with the pots and pans when he visits. Although that may be fun for someone visiting, you may not want to clean it up every day if there are small children in the house. I have a bookcase that holds my cookbooks and every time I leave the house the dog has pulled out a book to dine on. I’m currently looking for a new place to store them. What was I thinking?

Location- I don’t expect many people consider where they live before they start making interior changes to their home. If you live close to a highway or a train there will be vibrations which may cause your glassware to move to the edge of the shelf and fall. If you live where there are earthquakes, open shelves could be extremely dangerous.

Consider a Compromise- When you are designing your new kitchen consider what items you do and don’t want to display and what will work with your lifestyle. Adding a few cabinets with glass doors to keep the dust down and contain your items may be something to consider. Solid cabinets under the counter is an easy way to provide you with hiding places for things like blenders, sippy cups, and those other necessities you just can’t part with.

I hear people say all the time they can’t have what they truly want until “the kids grow up” or they buy “their dream house”. Not true. It’s all about balancing your wants and needs. Should you need a hand figuring out what works for you and your family, give me a call.